West Side Moravian Church

Following Christ with Faithfulness, Love and Hope

Moravian Lamb


We proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ through music ministry, liturgy, Biblical preaching and the celebration of the sacraments. We believe that worship is a time to gather as a community of believers and give praise and thanks to God for the gift of His grace.

We love to sing! Singing is led by organ or piano most often. Our Brass and Woodwind Band plays for special services. Members of the community participate in a Vocal Choir and Hand Bell Choir.

Worship is a gathering of all ages and children, youth and adults. In addition to adults, youth and children help in worship leadership, usher, greet and are active participants in worship.

Our Services of Worship

We invite you to join us for worship Sundays at 9am. The service is also live streamed on our Facebook page. Go to @westsidemoraviangreenbay.

After Sunday worship the recorded service is made available on our home page. You can also search for recent videos.

July chapel services on Wednesdays at 6:30pm. Our chapel is located on the corner of Hwy 172 and Babcock Road.

Services of worship are held on Christmas Eve, Thanksgiving Eve, through Holy Week and Wednesdays during the Lenten Season.

How Do Moravians Practice the Sacraments?

Like most Protestant Churches the Moravian Church practices the sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion.


Moravians believe that baptism is the entry into the life of faith in Christ. Unlike many churches, Moravians are not rigid about the means of baptism. We recognize those baptized in other Christian traditions. Though we most often practice infant baptism, we respect an individual choice as to when baptism will occur.

Holy Communion

In the Moravian Church we practice an open communion. This means that Jesus' invite extends to all. This includes adults and children from other church traditions. Children in our church begin taking communion when they indicate a desire to participate and take part in a communion workshop.