For more than five centuries the Moravian Church has proclaimed the gospel in all parts of the world. Our influence as a visible part of the body of Christ far exceeds our numbers, due to our cooperation with religious faiths on every continent.
Grateful for our heritage and firm in our faith, the Moravian Church ministers to the needs of people wherever they are.
The Moravian Church is part of a worldwide Protestant denomination serving Christ since 1457, continues a long-standing heritage of Christian faith, mission outreach, service to the community and the world, ecumenical cooperation, and rich musical worship.
The world wide Moravian Church (known as the Unity or Unitas Fratrum) consists of 24 provinces with more than 1 million members, the majority of whom live in Africa.
The Moravian Church is Christ-centered, emphasizing community, the person and teachings of Jesus, and simplicity in doctrine and lifestyle. Our relationship with Jesus Christ provides the basis for our relationship with each other and inspires us to serve. We also look to the leading of the Holy Spirit to guide out daily lives.
The Moravian Churchs official motto is Our Lamb has conquered. Let us follow Him.
In addition, Moravians are guided by these words: In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; and in all things, love.
Todays Moravian Church strives to live the essentials of a Christian life: God creates, God redeems, and God sustains. We respond to Gods actions with faith, love and hope.
The Moravian Church recognizes the sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion. Moravians also share The Daily Texts, a daily devotional published since 1731, around the globe.
To learn more about the Moravian Church in America, visit
Summary from the Interprovincial Board of Communication
Moravian Church in America
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania and Winston-Salem, North Carolina, 2019